And the Prisoners Were Listening

Paul and Silas were in the middle of the will of God.  And you know what happened to them?  They were beaten and thrown into prison.  What do you do when you are in the middle of the will of God but everything is going wrong?  Well, Paul and Silas chose to praise God.  And the Bible says, “The prisoners were listening to them,” (Acts 16:25).  People can see the reality of Christ in our lives much better when we are suffering and when everything is going wrong.  And listen, God doesn't cause the bad things to happen, but He allows the bad things to come for a reason.  After hearing Paul and Silas’ prayers of praise, He freed them from prison and saved the hardened jailer and his family.  And it all came about because of two people who praised God even when life was caving in on them.  God will shine through you to those “prisoners” who secretly watch your life.  Now that’s real hope!

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Praying Hands
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