It's Not Easy Being Me

It's Not Easy Being Me

6 Messages
How well do you understand yourself? How knowledgeable are you concerning your strengths, your weaknesses, and your pathway to victorious Christian living? In this fun and insightful series, Dr. Jeff Schreve shares practical truths from the Scripture to help you live in harmony with yourself, with others, and most importantly with the Lord.

Message 1

Why You Act the Way You DoParts 1 & 2

Have you ever wondered why you act the way you do in certain situations? Why some things really get your motor running, and others you couldn’t care less about? Are you wrong or even weird because of this? Absolutely not! In this insightful message, Dr. Jeff Schreve shows us the four standard personality types, the strengths and weaknesses of each, and how God can use them all for His glory.

Proverbs 14:8

Message 2

You and Your MoneyParts 1 & 2

Your money and how you spend it is a very personal matter. And it is not surprising that your personality type is a good indicator for how and why you handle money the way you do. In this practical message, Dr. Jeff Schreve walks step-by-step through each of the four personality types and how each one understands and handles money and how best to depend on God when it comes to such an important issue.

Hebrews 13:5

Message 3

It's Not Easy Being DadParts 1 & 2

One of the toughest jobs on the planet is being the head of a household, but it also has some of the sweetest benefits out there if a dad does the job God’s way. In this pointed message, Dr. Jeff Schreve shares some key aspects every father needs to know when leading his family to be the household of faith that God intends for it to be.

Ephesians 5:15-6:4

Message 4

When You Don't Measure UpParts 1 & 2

Have you ever had those moments when nothing you do, say, think, or feel seems to be good enough? What do you do when those thoughts of inadequacy rear their ugly head? In this hopeful message, Dr. Jeff Schreve reminds us of the amazing and abundant grace that God extends to anyone who believes in Him. Grace that is always sufficient and brings abundant life each and every day.

1 Corinthians 15:3-10

Message 5

The Battle WithinParts 1 & 2

Every Christian can identify with the Apostle Paul when it comes to wanting to do good things, but continually failing. It’s a battle within we all experience. Dying to our own selfish desires is also a daily battle we should faithfully fight. In this encouraging message, Dr. Jeff Schreve reminds us that we are not alone in this fight. He shares key truths about sin and the One who defeated it once and for all and will aid us to fight the good fight.

Romans 8:12-14
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Message 6

A Whole New YouParts 1 & 2

A fresh start is a powerful thing. Do you often want to leave the old behind and start anew with the hope of everything being better? For the one who has surrendered to Christ, that is exactly what happens. We leave the old life of sin behind and start fresh and new with the Holy Spirit as your guide. In this wonderfully uplifting message, Dr. Jeff Schreve shares key truths about walking in the new life Christians are given through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Colossians 3:1-17
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